Here we are – 2019! Looking back at my Hello, 2018 post, I said that 2019 will be here “tomorrow.” I don’t think I’ve ever made a truer statement.
Every single new year I always tell myself, “This will be the year.” The year of what, though? I’m not really sure. I have plenty of ideas and goals to keep my occupied and focused for the next 12 months. Whether something comes of those ideas, I have no idea.
If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that I’m a hard worker. I always have been and I definitely know I can be a bit of a control freak and while I collab a lot (I mean, I run an entire blog with my sister) I like doing a lot of things myself and on my own time. I enjoy being my own “boss,” if you will.
I quit my job in June 2017 and decided to pursue this whole writing and blogging thing. Since then, I’ve had my ups and downs. Ideas have come to fruition, others haven’t. Some deadlines were met, some are still collecting dust or were deleted all together.
When I don’t meet deadlines or complete a task, it could be for a number of reasons.
- I took on too much and ran out of time
- I took on too much and ran out of steam
- Something came up in life – friends or family, good or bad – and I put them first
One thing I’d like to improve about myself this 2019 is to stop being so hard on myself. If I run out of time, I stay up later or wake up earlier in an attempt to get hours back. If I don’t, I lie awake in bed all night thinking about it.
Same thing if I run out of steam. I need to accept that I’m human. I need breaks and rest and definitely need to schedule that into daily routine or stop working at a certain time for the day.
Family and friends will always come first, however there have been a few times where my work at suffered for no reason. I won’t explain in detail, but for two weeks straight I was helping a friend and it turned into the same problem each and every day. Sometimes people seem to think that because I’m home I have a lot of free time because I’m “my own boss” and I could always do my work “later.” But there will be times where it’s okay if I put my work first.
In other words, I need to stop feeling bad if I don’t get back to my friend right away or if I decide to put my work to the side for the time being.
So, What’s Up For The Blog?
With all that said, I’m changing some of the content on this blog. I’ve talked about this before, but I’ll say it again.
Instead of the blog being strictly writing and reading, I’ll be sprinkling in some personal posts here and there. This blog originally started off with writing posts and personal posts and I’d like to bring that back. There are only so many posts I can write about “dialogue.” Those posts won’t go away though! They’ll just be a little less with some other happenings going on. The schedule will, however, be the same daily posts.
- Sunday – Short Story Story – A new flash story or poem from me.
- Monday – Free for all – This will typically be home to any Guest Posts or Interviews along with a new feature that will appear once a month.
- Tuesday – Free for all – Book reviews will appear on this day during July and August.
- Wednesday – Free for all – Once a month will be a WIP Wednesday post.
- Thursday – Free for all – I don’t think I ever really have anything special going on this day.
- Friday – Time to Write – A creative writing prompt that everyone is welcome to participate in and share their stories in the comments.
- Saturday – Book Reviews – A new book review will be posted.
In addition to new personal posts, I’ll be starting two new features. Both will appear once a month – Healthy Writer and Mental Health Monday. I’m looking forward to sharing those posts with you guys!
What Else?
On my Goodreads, I had pledged to read 52 books again. I think that will be a breeze for me with the way the past couple of years have worked out. I got a lot of gift cards to Barnes & Noble for Christmas, so I’m planning on buying myself one new book a week – because I totally need more books.
I do have quite a lot of writing goals, but I’ll be talking about that in a separate post tomorrow.
I have so many other things planned for 2019 as well – one should be made public in early March while the other will probably be closer to the end of the year. Plus there’s many more!
I’ve always been thinking of better ways to utilize my Patreon and make things more engaging for my Patrons. If you have anything in mind, let me know and please join my writing journey on there. A lot of cool new things will be coming in 2019 and my patrons will be the first to know about it.
Happy 2019!
I believe that’s it for now. I’ll be back tomorrow with an update on my writing goals for the year. Here’s hoping 2019 is filled with a lot of kindness and positive vibes all around. Thank you all for being here!
Do you have any plans for 2019? Are you looking forward to the new year? Let me know in the comments below. If you liked this post, please share it around.
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