No matter which session, Camp or regular NaNo, I always have my word goal be the standard 50,000 words.
I typically write 2,000 words a day for that goal and am able to easily reach the overall goal long before the month is over. Sometimes I have enough steam to go over my goal. I’ve finished complete first drafts before and sometimes I’ve just done the bare minimum.
I chose two different projects for myself this month. When I realized that I had “double-booked” myself, I decided to try to write 100k in the month.
It’s a challenge I’ve always wanted to do, a challenge I’ve done twice before but never completed.
Someday I will complete that challenge. However, this month is not the right time for it.
I’ve seen plenty of people change their word goals in the middle of the month before. I always thought that was strange because it felt like “cheating” to me.
Well, I am now one of those people.
Last night, I changed my 100k word goal down to 50k. It’s the standard, the goal that I would have originally chosen for myself if I didn’t decide to try to go above and beyond.
My current word count stands at 41,414 words. Before I was almost halfway there and now all of the sudden I’m almost done. It feels weird and I still feel like I “cheated” in some way.
Still, I think this was the best decision.
Between trying to write 5,000 words a day, I also have to keep up with two blogs (which I’ve gotten behind in for both), I started my internship, and I’ve also been more focused on article writing than creative writing. This doesn’t include me trying to hang out with my friends and family.
It’s been a busy month, busier than I thought it’d be. So, that’s why I decided to ease up on my word goal. After looking at everything I had to do (and making a four-page to-do list for myself…) I realized that Camp shouldn’t be the biggest priority this month.
I still feel good because I know I’ll reach at least the 50k, which is good for me. I hope everyone else is having a successful Camp!
Have you ever lowered your word goal before? How’s Camp treating you this month? Let me know in the comments below!
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