Everything I do on this blog, I do for you guys.
I know the majority of my followers are writers and readers alike, so I post writing prompts to give you guys ideas. I write book reviews because who doesn’t enjoy reading? Seriously though, I also accept books from authors to help them out and get recognized for their hard work.
I also have guest bloggers on my site to promote other readers, writers, and bloggers alike. And what better way to help each other out than to promote and showcase each other? Plus, you all have different ideas and know things I don’t. You guys can teach my followers something I can’t. You guys teach me in the process.
I have plenty of other ideas to help you guys out as well as promote you guys for what you do. I’m not going to mention them now only because I don’t know when these ideas will be able to happen. Just know that I’m always thinking of you guys.
I have three specific days a week (Sunday, Thursday, and Friday) that I devote my time to working on my blog(s).
But I think of this blog every single day. I write down notes and ideas every day even if it’s not a “blogging day” for me.
I’m always coming up with new ideas, thinking of ways to improve my posts whether it’s the way I write them, the kinds of images I use, etc. I’m always trying to better my content and come up with new things that you guys want to see.
I post on here once a day, every day. That’s a lot of content to come up with.
I have my regular features on my blog. Short Story Sunday on Sundays, book reviews on Saturdays, and writing prompts on Fridays. But Monday through Thursday is a free-for-all in terms of content.
If you’ve been following me for a long time, you know all this stuff.
So–to finally get to my point–I need your help.
Instead of my trying to come up with new content ideas day-in and day-out, I need a huge favor from all of you.
In the comments, if you would be so kind to answer the following questions:
1. What do you enjoy most about my blog?
2. What kind of content would you like to see more of?
I have plenty of ideas to last me a lifetime, but I thought what better way to create meaningful content for you guys if I don’t ask you guys what you want?
Only you know what you enjoy reading about. Only you know what you want to learn more about.
Do you want more information on genre-specific writing? Need more grammar help posts? Are you interested in where I am on my writing projects?
If you have a specific post idea, I’d be glad to do it. Or try to do it, anyway.
Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee all of your ideas will happen and if it does, it might take a while. But I still appreciate your input.
I want to know what I’m doing “right” on this blog and I want to know why my followers keep coming back for more.
I’m not an expert in writing or reading or blogging or anything that I talk about on here. But I do my best. I speak from experience, I conduct research.
So I hope you’ll help me out with this little “survey,” I guess you can call it. I want to make sure I’m creating the best content for my readers!
Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it.