I already did some shameless plugging for my Bloglovin’ account a few weeks ago, so I thought I would do some more today.
Lately Kris and I have been talking a lot about maybe getting more writing done than just our original stories.
Sure, we have ideas that need to be written, novels that need to be edited, contests and magazines to submit to, etc. But we decided to get a little extra experience in, if we can.
Needless to say I’m on Pressfolios now. I don’t know if any of you have heard of it before because I certainly didn’t. Kris discovered it the other day. It’s an online writing portfolio.
I don’t have much on there now, but I’m sure it’ll grow overtime. I have a few pieces of writing I want to put on there, but they’re not on my computer anymore. So I have to find them and then type them up.
So, not much of an update, but I thought this would be a good thing to tell all my writer friends.
If you’re looking into doing freelance work or anything of the like, Pressfolios is a good place to do it. It’s a simple website and easy to navigate. I would definitely go check it out at the very least.