I was super productive during the month of September. In my October Goals post I decided to be just as productive, if not more.
Well, I have been sick for the whole month of October so far. I’m better now, but I missed work all last week. It was nice being home, but I spent it on the couch resting so there was no reading, no writing.
We’re about halfway through October and I had hoped to finish my outline for NaNoWriMo by now, but oh well. Things happen.
You always plan for what you want to accomplish. You plan for what you want to happen. You assume it’ll happen because you planned it and nothing could ever go wrong or get in your way.
Well, plans change and when that happens you need to be flexible and work something else out. Because let’s face it: Life doesn’t care about any plans we’ve made.
So I didn’t get much work done, but because of that I think I’ve come up with a better solution to balance writing, reading, blogging, and real life things.
All I have to do is stick with it the best I can.
So, update:
1. I will not be writing one Short Story Sunday a day. I’m going to save that for December. 2. I am not going to “cheat” during NaNo anymore. I’m going to finish my outline and leave it until November starts. I was originally going to start handwriting, but I changed my mind. Computer it is.
3. My reading list for October changed. There’s no surprise there; especially since I had to skip a week.