January 2021 Check-In


Another month has come and gone! It’s time for our monthly mental health check-in. How were you during the month of January? I seemed to have blinked and the entirety of January has disappeared. Yes, we still have a week to go but it’s the last Monday of the month. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the month and think ahead going forward....

How Do You Write Female Characters?


The Merry Writer started as a hashtag game on Twitter and Instagram. Hosted by Ari Meghlen and myself, The Merry Writer Podcast is a fun, friendly show about all things writing and bookish. Join us as we ask all the “write” questions. Check out episode 53 this week, all about creating female characters! Episode 053: How do you write female characters? In this week’s...

The Email List is Back in Action!


Did you know I have an email list? Did you know I started it back in… 2017? I think it was 2017. It seems so long ago now. I started the email list because, at the time, I thought it was the “right thing to do.” If you want to be an author, if you want to be a successful blogger, you have to have...

Creative Writing Plans for 2021


One of my goals for 2021 is to finally get back into a writing routine. I feel like that gets pushed to the back burner far too often. It’s going to be a priority this year (and beyond). I tend to work on a handful of writing projects at one time because… attention span. I don’t want to get burned out on one project...

Vision Board for 2021


Something I’ve always wanted to do was create a vision board. I never knew what to make this board about though. It can be about anything. When 2019 went down the drain, I decided to make a vision board filled with ideas and goals for 2020. I never made it through. I actually forgot about the idea. It’s fine though because 2020 was a...

The Perfectly Fine House by Stephen Kozeniewski


This post contains affiliate links which means I earn a small commission should you buy from these links at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support. I received a review e-copy from the author. The decision to review and all opinions are my own. In The Perfectly Fine House, we follow protagonist Donna Fitzpatrick in a world where ghosts are normal....

Create a Positive Workspace


I had already been working from home for a couple of years before the pandemic hit (almost) a year ago. It’s stressful and can take a toll on your mental health, even without the rest of the world being thrown into a tizzy. If you’ve ever heard “advice for working from home” you’ll notice that they all tend to say the same thing: Put...



It’s time for another quick short story. This week’s prompt was “production.” I hope you enjoy the story. Meredith pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. They had done this so many times and yet, something always seemed to go wrong. She had turned on the computer and the recording software, but that needed to update. Whenever the program had updates, it usually...

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