The Last Lumenian by S.G. Blaise


This post contains affiliate links which means I earn a small commission should you buy from these links at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support. I bought it on my Kindle for Indie Reader. The decision to review and all opinions are my own. The Last Lumenian is a solid science fiction and fantasy YA novel. The overall plot was...

Cupid's Book Lover Tag for Valentine's Day


The Merry Writer started as a hashtag game on Twitter and Instagram. Hosted by Ari Meghlen and myself, The Merry Writer Podcast is a fun, friendly show about all things writing and bookish. Join us as we ask all the “write” questions. Check out episode 46 now! The Merry Writer Podcast The Merry Writer started as a hashtag game on Twitter and Instagram....

Mr. Popper's Penguins by Florence and Richard Atwater


This post contains affiliate links which means I earn a small commission should you buy from these links at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support. I borrowed the paperback from the kid I babysit. The decision to review and all opinions are my own. I remember reading this book in elementary school. I didn’t remember much of it, but I...

How To Keep Tension High When Writing A Mystery [Mystery Month]


Mystery novels are supposed to keep the reader guessing. Mysteries can also be classified as a thriller, suspense, psychological, etc. All categories keep you guessing and place you at the edge of your seat, right? What is tension in novels? Tension is anticipation. It’s suspense. It’s sitting at the edge of the seat waiting, wondering what’s going to happen next. Wanting a certain something...

How Do You Come Up with Names in Your Book?


The Merry Writer started as a hashtag game on Twitter and Instagram. Hosted by Ari Meghlen and myself, The Merry Writer Podcast is a fun, friendly show about all things writing and bookish. Join us as we ask all the “write” questions. Check out episode 45 now! The Merry Writer Podcast The Merry Writer started as a hashtag game on Twitter and Instagram....



It’s time for another quick short story. This week’s prompt was “animal.” I hope you enjoy the story. Marie placed her hands in front of her and hopped around the living room. Her older sister and brother stared at her in slight confusion, before her brother lighten up and pointed. “Rabbit!” Oliver shouted. Marie shook her head. She continued to bounce around the room....

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