Another year has come and gone. I have no idea where the time went, but I’m going to try to keep track of it this year!
Did I complete my resolutions from 2015?
I pledged to read 52 books on the Goodreads Challenge and ended with reading over 52 books. I didn’t read one book a week like I was supposed to, but I still managed to hit my goal… I hit it early, too. So my resolution to read more is checked off!
I wanted to have George Florence completely edited and ready to be queried by now. I worked on the novel throughout the whole year, but it’s still not ready. One reason for this is because I completely rewrote the novel with a new POV last summer. So I kind of started from scratch. So that resolution gets a half check.
I also wanted to start eating healthier… I’m not even going to mention whether that gets a check or not. I’m sure you know the answer.
What are my resolutions for 2016?
I made a list back in November of new things I wanted to do and try in 2016. I’m not going to post that list here because it’s in my journal and private, but if I do them I’ll be sure to write about them on here. So one resolution is to check off some items from that list.
Reading: I want to read 52 books again, one book a week. I am hoping to surpass last year’s goal though. I would like to read 60 books, but I’m not making promises. I’ll be happy if I hit 52 again.
Writing: I want to completely edit George Florence and prepare it to be queried. Now that I have my writers’ group, it shouldn’t be too hard. Hopefully.
I also want to edit a novel I wrote for Camp NaNo a while back (the title may sound familiar to some of you) called Take Over. Once that’s edited I may post it on Wattpad or even try to self-publish it. I haven’t decided yet.
I want to continue working short stories and enter more contests and submit to more magazines. It would be nice if I could submit something at least once a month. I make no promises on that, either.
What’s up for the blog in 2016?
Blogging is more or less the same with some slight changes here and there.
–Sunday: Still Short Story Sunday –Wednesday: Still Inspiration Station –Friday: Still Time to Write –Saturday: Still Book Reviews (book reviews may occasionally happen on Tuesdays as well)
—-I also put up a new policy on reviews. You can learn more on my Book Review Policy page.
–One Tuesday and one Thursday a month: Guest Bloggers will make an appearance. There are still slots open if you want to check out my Be a Guest Blogger page to learn more.