Last Thursday, May 14, was the third anniversary–or birthday as I like to call it–of my blog and how long I’ve been on WordPress. I find that to be a huge accomplishment!
When I first started this blog I didn’t see myself still blogging three years later. I started this blog because I knew it was a great way to be recognized as a writer. Well, three years later and I’m still not published, but I’ve still come a long way.
My writing has improved greatly (as far as I can tell) and so has my blog. I’ve been blogging on a daily basis, have regular features, have a steady followship (I just made that word up!), I have my own domain name, and my blog actually means something to not just me, but to my readers as well.
My blog isn’t about promoting my writing. Sure, the recognition is still nice for when I do get published, but my blog has become more than that; it’s about my readers.
All of you guys have given me such wonderful advice regarding writing and blogging. I’ve made so many WordPress friends over the past few years. I’m not going to link to anyone because I’m afraid I’ll forget someone, but you should know who you are!
My blog has evolved immensely over the years and it’s because of all my readers. I don’t know if I would still be blogging if it weren’t for you guys reading, liking, and commenting on my posts. The WordPress community is certainly a great one; especially the writers.
With being said, I have a month-long feature coming up in June that I’ve been working on for the past couple of weeks. I hope you guys look forward to that and enjoy it because I’m having a good time coming up with the posts for it.
I didn’t mean for this post to sound like an acceptance speech and I didn’t mean for it to come off as corny or too sappy. Sorry about that, but all of you guys do mean a lot to mean me. So… I guess in addition to the heads-up about my June feature, I’ll give you another heads-up.
Since we love you all so much, Kris and I have been working on something special. That won’t be coming until the middle of August. It’s something private between us and our WordPress buddies–and it’s writing related. That’s all I’m going to say on the matter until August is here and we’re ready to announce it. So I hope you all look forward to that as well!
So, happy third birthday to my blog! Let’s hope there are many more years to come.