PLEASE TAKE NOTE: I am not a mental health professional. I speak about my own experiences with mental health but it should not be taken as medical advice. This is just a safe space for all to check in with one another. If you are having a hard time or have medical questions, please seek help through your doctor. Thank you.
Like every other month, February has seemed to go by in a blur and, no, it’s not because this month is two days shorter than the rest.
It was a productive month though. I got a lot of my own work done. I was able to keep myself busying without killing myself.
I saw my friends (virtually) a few times. Two friends, my sister, and I found a website where you can play games with one another virtually so we got to play Code Names, Scrabble, and Pictionary together. We also made it work to play Scattergories with one another too.
I also virtually got together with my Dungeons and Dragons group, which was a lot of fun as well.
My cousins slept over quite a bit this month too. It was good to hang out with them. My family and I played cards together a few nights, we’ve watched movies, and, of course, WandaVision.
I was fairly motivated throughout the month which was certainly a plus. Overall, February was great.
What about you? How are you doing? Did any highs or lows happen during your month?
Let’s get through this together.