WordPress changes a lot of things. I feel like they’re changing the format of the website all the time.
The Reader is different now and there are more steps to get to the old WP Admin screen. I don’t know about any of you, but I still use and prefer the old WordPress over the new… even though the “new” is getting kind of old at this point.
If WordPress is going to keep changing things, you know what I would really love for them to have?
I don’t know if that would help any of you, but it would certainly help me out a lot.
I write many of my blog posts in advance and I’m a very organized person in real life. It would be awesome if I could be just as organized on my blog as well.
My draft box is so cluttered with upcoming blog posts that it’s hard to keep them all in order. I have a planner to keep track of which posts are to be published on which days, but I would love to organize my categories.
Every Sunday is Short Story Sunday. Every Wednesday is Inspiration Station. Fridays are Time To Write and Saturdays are Book Reviews.
Short Story Sunday and Time To Write are always written well in advance. Inspiration Station I try to and the Book Reviews I only write in advance if I finish the book in a timely manner.
Either way, I would love for my draft inbox to have folders for each feature on my blog. It would make my life easier for when I upload posts.
Did you hear that WordPress? That’s what’s on my Christmas wishlist this year.