Another week has come and gone. That means we’re one week closer to the end of NaNoWriMo. It’s been an interesting week.
What am I working on?
The Scribe. I changed the title again, which I think I’ve already mentioned. The story turned into something much more than I anticipated. When I say that I mean the plot has completely changed from what I originally thought it would be.
What’s the easiest part of writing this novel?
I’m going to cheat and say the same thing I said for my week two update. This first draft started strong and then turned into word vomit. It’s been easy to get the words down and try to figure out how the novel works, but there will be a lot of changes made down the road.
What’s the hardest part of writing this novel?
The fact that the plot has gone off the rails. I’ve started my research and I’ve been doing pretty well with it, but there’s still a lot of loose ends to tie up.
NaNo Stats
Day 15: 2,055 Day 16: 0 Day 17: 0 Day 18: 2,091 Day 19: 5,735 Day 20: 0 Day 21: 0 Total Week Three Words: 9,881
Total Words: 50,061