We have completed week two of NaNoWriMo! Time flies when you’re having fun… we’re having fun, right?
What am I working on?
I’m still hanging onto The Librarian. The title is definitely going to change, but I’m keeping it as is for now.
What’s the easiest part of writing this novel?
The fact that this is the first draft. That may be a dumb reason to have this be “easy,” but I’m going without an outline here. Each scene I write I realize is going to end up getting cut… but I’m still writing. So there’s that.
What’s the hardest part of writing this novel?
The middle. I need a lot of research. I’m pretty much at the climax of my novel right now and I have to say that it’s pretty anti-climactic because I have no idea what I’m doing… editing this thing is going to be fun.
Also, I reached 10k words on November 10th. According to my NaNo stats, my wordiest day was 10,096 words on November 10, 2016. So I beat my record by getting 10,103 words on November 10, 2017. Yay!
The reason I’m saying this was the hardest because while the 10k was fine, it was the afterward that was hard. The following day I wrote 1,000 out of my 2,000-word goal. Then I skipped a day of writing and then barely made it to 2,000 words the day after. I’m not complaining, I’m happy with my word count. But I clearly burnt myself out after writing for 5+ hours of 10,000 words.
NaNoWriMo Stats
Day 8: 2,043 Day 9: 3,022 Day 10: 10,103 Day 11: 1,087 Day 12: 0 Day 13: 1,535 Day 14: 2,315 Total Week Two Words: 20,105
Total Words: 40,180