Title: Warriors: Power of Three: Eclipse (book 4)
Author: Erin Hunter
How did I get the book: I bought it.
Genre: Juvenile fantasy
Summary (from Amazon):
Firestar’s three grandchildren have learned of the powerful prophecy that foretells their destinies, and the responsibility of deciding the Clans’ future weighs heavily on the three apprentices. But each secretly yearns for power: Lionpaw dreams of being undefeatable in battle, while Hollypaw longs to be a great leader and Jaypaw knows only he can see the true past and future for them all. Their strengths are tested when ThunderClan is suddenly attacked—and all four Clans are thrown into a battle unlike any the cats have ever seen.
Then a dark shadow falls across the forest, and a mysterious stranger warns the Clans of more trouble to come. For the first time, it appears that StarClan does not hold the answers the cats need.
All of a sudden, the warrior code is being tested. A crisis of faith threatens to tear the four Clans apart and destroy what the cats have built their lives upon. . . .
My Review (may contain spoilers!):
This book held so much tension. It was great.
WindClan sneak attack and RiverClan are with them to fight against ThunderClan. ThunderClan asks ShadowClan for help and before you know it, the four Clans were battling it out all over ThunderClan’s territory, two versus two.
There have been plenty of battles throughout this series, but not a battle as big as this one. It was amazing how the four Clans feuded with each other for so long.
This battle lasted three chapters. Most battles last one chapter, sometimes less. This set the tension and mood for the next two books; that’s how much of an impact it left.
Everything that led up to the battle was great and when the battle was over, a new character was brought in (even though he was technically introduced before the battle) making the Clans question absolutely everything–and I really mean everything.
Warriors: Eclipse by Erin Hunter gets 5 out of 5 stars.
Favorite Quote:
“Truth is a powerful weapon… We must be careful how we use it.” — Erin Hunter, Eclipse
Title: Warriors: Power of Three: Long Shadows (book 5)
Author: Erin Hunter
How I got the book: I bought it
Genre: Juvenile fantasy
Summary (from Amazon):
The Clans are in turmoil. ShadowClan has turned its back on StarClan and pledged to follow the dark predictions of Sol, the strange cat who foretold the solar eclipse. But not all the cats have lost faith in their warrior ancestors. . . .
Jaypaw is convinced that StarClan still holds an important place in the warrior code, and his search for answers leads him far back into the past, farther back than even StarClan can remember. Lionblaze, tortured by violent dreams and bloody visions, wishes he had never been prophesied to be one of the three but to turn his back on his littermates would be the ultimate betrayal. And Hollyleaf is terrified that once the Clans lose their faith, the warrior code will fall apart. She’s willing to fight tooth and nail to preserve it—whatever the cost.
And when murder stalks into the heart of ThunderClan, the cats realize that the darkest shadows don’t always lie outside the territory.
My Review (may contain spoilers!):
This book didn’t get good until the ending.
A new character, Sol, was introduced in the previous novel. He was a pretty big character to the plot of this series and yet he was barely in this book. He took over ShadowClan for a bit, but even that sub-plot didn’t last too long.
The book really picked up when one of favorite characters turned out to mentally unstable and ends up getting murdered.
This character, Ashfur, was barely in the book as well. You didn’t get to see him progressively turn evil and lose his mind. So it was a huge shock to find out what he had been planning all along. Not to mention it’s a pretty dumb reason as to why he went crazy; it was all because of a girl. Like we haven’t seen that one before….
We find out the three main characters’ parents are not actually their real parents creating tension between the cats; especially as they try to figure out who their real parents are. Which is kind of obvious to the reader, but we don’t officially find out until the end of the following book, Sunrise.
With that being said, the whole book felt kind of pointless up until the end. And I think that was only because they wanted to create a decent cliffhanger for the next book. Which they succeeded at; just ask my sister about how I barged into her room ranting about the ending and mixed emotions I felt.
Warriors: Long Shadows by Erin Hunter gets 4 out of 5 stars.
Favorite Quote:
“Then we could pelt Blackfoot with acorns and he’d think they came from StarClan.” –Erin Hunter, Long Shadows
Title: Warriors: Power of Three: Sunrise (book 6)
Author: Erin Hunter
How I got the book: I bought it
Genre: Juvenile fantasy
Summary (from Amazon):
A mysterious murder in the ranks has ripped ThunderClan apart. But more secrets still remain to be discovered.
Jayfeather is determined to find out who his real parents are. But he’ll have to trample through a forest of lies in order to uncover the truth. Hollyleaf is shocked by her Clan’s disobedience of the warrior code, and distraught enough to strike out at someone she’s always admired. And Lionblaze must bear horrified witness to events that will change everything he believes.
In the harshest days of leaf-bare Clanmate turns upon Clanmate, danger lurks behind familiar faces, and one more warrior may be lost forever. . . .
My Review (may contain spoilers!):
This book got to the point that I was unable to put it down towards the end. But that was it–towards the end.
Being the last book in the Power of Three series, I have to say that I expected more. The book took place right where Long Shadows took off, but that ended up being pretty much the entire book.
ThunderClan is on the hunt for clues as to who killed Ashfur. I’m not saying they should let it go, but I didn’t think it needed to drag out through the whole book.
All secrets are revealed (plus another shocking death) about 40 pages before the end of the novel. The whole book was so slow and then all of a sudden everything happened at once.
Plus, the shocking death was abrupt and kind of swept under the rug, which I didn’t like because it was a major character.
That death did however put a twist on the prophecy that I didn’t see coming and it makes sense. So, that was a good thing.
Warriors: Sunrise by Erin Hunter gets 4 out of 5 stars.
Favorite Quote:
“His words are nothing more than mist and sunshine, impossible to hold down.” –Erin Hunter, Sunrise
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