You can say, “I can survive a day without the Internet or without my phone!” all you want, but when the Internet isn’t there, you forget just how much you actually rely on it.
1. Read a book
Internet or no Internet, always read.
2. Go outside
Take a walk the spring, take a swim in the summer, breath in the fall air, or build a snowman. No matter what it’s like out there, outside is a great place to be.
3. Watch TV
Sorry, Netflix, cable will have to do.
4. Play a board game or a video game
Most video games have Internet features, but you don’t have to use them to play the main game. If friends or family are around, play a board game. There’s some good quality bonding right there.
5. Color
Who doesn’t like coloring? I mean, come on.
6. Listen to music
Lie in bed and daydream. Or dance. Dancing is good.
7. Write
You can’t do research, but Word doesn’t need the Internet. Neither does a notebook and pen.
8. Call someone on the phone
When was the last time you actually called a real person and not texted them? Let someone hear your voice. Hear a human’s voice in return. I hate talking on the phone, but trust me, it’s good for you.
9. Rearrange the house
Just wait until your parents or spouse or roommate or whoever you live with come home from work. They’ll love it, I’m sure.
10. Work on a puzzle
Jigsaw puzzles are good for you. And fun.
What do you do when you can’t surf the web?
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