I Have Too Much To Do….
I believe in my last post I was complaining about everything that I had to get done instead of actually talking about my writing. Yeah…the problem is, I can’t really talk about my writing when I haven’t really been writing.
This past weekend was pretty busy. I can’t remember what I did Friday (isn’t that sad?), but I know that I was at work all day. Saturday morning I had to help my sister move into her new apartment. That didn’t take up too much of the day. Sunday, yesterday, was Father’s Day and the last day of Sunday school. So I had church in the morning and then I had my mom’s side over for a cook out. Then Kris and I kicked back at the end of the night and played Super Smash Brothers Brawl together as we were both too exhausted to do anything productive.
I still have to start the websites for my work and for my church. I still have to start writing lesson plans for Sunday school next year. I have to clean my areas of the house and I have to continue writing. I have to study for my MTEL. I have to send in my lead teacher certification application. But wait, there’s more! …I’m not going to list any of the rest, though. None of this needs to get done as soon as possible or anything like that, but it would be nice to get them all finished sooner rather than later.
I did get a little writing done yesterday, though. Kris and I decided that we’re slowly going to work on a book together. So I wrote the prologue. Now she just has to write the first chapter. By the way, whenever this book is finished, it’s going to take a really long time to edit. Not because there are two people working on it; therefore there are two different opinions on what should happen, but we have no plot in mind. We are literally just going with the flow. Currently, the novel is called Titleless. Yep.
So I’m working on that, I’m still working on editing Hunter, I have to figure out what I’m doing for Camp NaNo next month, I have been beta-reading a lot of stories lately on FanFiction, and I have been kind of wanting to get back to writing FanFiction. I think I’m going to try working on that soon.
I do know what I am going to be writing for Camp, but I have a lot of kinks that need to be worked out. It’s a superhero novel called Cybertra. I think I have mentioned this idea before on here because I thought of it a long time ago. I just never went through with it. However, after seeing Iron Man 3 in theaters a few weeks ago, it’s put me in the mood to begin the series. I just have to plan a few things out first.
Other than me being ridiculously busy, I don’t think I have too much else to say since I haven’t really been writing too much lately. I plan on getting as much done as I can this week (this week is my last week of work). Then I can focus on babysitting (since I will have no work all summer, I’m going to need as many babysitting jobs as I can get) and writing. So, naturally, I spent all morning before work playing Pokemon and then Super Smash Brothers Brawl online with my boyfriend. Great morning, huh?
But at least I’m updating my blog. That’s technically writing, isn’t it?