Last week’s prompt was to use the words Books, Words, and Challenge.
Chasing Dreams Publishing wrote a cool story on their blog.
Now onto this week’s prompt…
We’re halfway through Camp NaNoWriMo. That went by fast!
For this week’s prompt, add a little conflict and tension to your story. Have your two protagonists (or the protagonist and a close friend or companion or someone) get into a fight.
Not the good guy and the bad guy, but two good guys.
They must get sick of each other at some point. Or maybe they were arguing about directions and go their separate ways for a chapter or two. You decide.
Good luck!
Feel free to post your story in the comments below. I’d love to see what you come up with. If you respond by Thursday, April 21, I’ll post your story and a link to your blog for next week’s Time to Write prompt.
Happy writing!