It’s a little late, but here it is…
I was nominated for the Liebster Award! I want to thank S.R. Carrillo over at Permashift who nominated me for this award! Also, be sure to check out her debut novel The Soul which is now available for purchase!
Rules (modified)
1. Each nominee should link back to the person who nominated them.
2. Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
3. Nominate 5-11 other bloggers for this award who have less than 400 followers.
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.
1. How important is the title of a book?
I say pretty important…aside from the cover, it’s what draws the reader to your book in the first place. If the title sounds interesting, then they’ll flip it over to read the synopsis.
2. Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Of course I can!
3. Pets! Cats. Dogs. Ferrets. Chinchillas. Have any household furbabies?
I have a dog, a cat, a turtle, and a fish.
4. Any favorites among the classics? Shakespeare? The Brontë sisters? Etc.?
Honestly, no. Not really. I like the modern stuff.
5. How do you feel about space travel?
Too scary for me!
6. Do you watch the movie then read the book – or read the book then watch the movie?
Lately, I’ve been reading the books first. For Harry Potter and Twilight I watched the movies first. Let’s just say I’ll be reading the Harry Potter series soon and not Twilight.
7. F***! Darn! Should characters curse?
No. I don’t think it’s classy at all. A few swears here and there are alright depending on the character’s personality, but if every other word is the F-bomb, then no thank you.
8. Your ideal writing space – lots of noise and clutter or serene and isolated?
Serene and isolated. I can listen to instrumental music and that’s it. Otherwise I can’t think.
9. Pandas and penguins. Love ‘em or leave ‘em?
Love them, of course.
10. What’s the one genre you can’t stand – or simply don’t care for?
I can read horror, but it’s not my favorite. A good thriller or suspense would be ideal, but I’m not looking to give myself nightmares.
My Nominees
These are the blogs I nominate for the Liebster Award! They work very hard and deserve the attention. 🙂
Here are the questions for you to answer (my questions are dumb, sorry):
1. What is your favorite genre? 2. Are you currently working on a novel? If so, what’s it about? 3. Tool of choice (laptop, notebook, etc.)? 4. How long have you been writing for? 5. What made you start writing? 6. What’s your favorite movie? 7. What’s your favorite season? 8. How often are you on the internet (blogging, researching, school, etc.)? 9. What’s your favorite music?
10. Aside from writing, what is your favorite thing to do?