Title: The Ables
Author: Jeremy Scott
Genre: Fantasy
How I got the book: I bought it
Summary (from Amazon):
It wasn’t the “sex talk” he expected. Phillip Sallinger’s dad has told him he’s a custodian–a guardian–and his genetically inherited power is telekinesis. He’ll learn to move objects with his mind. Excited to begin superhero high school until he discovers he’s assigned to a “special ed” class for disabled empowered kids, he suddenly feels like an outsider. Bullied, threatened, and betrayed, Phillip struggles, even as he and his friends–calling themselves the Ables–find ways to maximize their powers to overcome their disabilities, and are the first to identify the growing evil threatening humanity. As vital custodians disappear and the custodian leadership is mired in indecision, a mysterious and powerful figure taunts Phillip, and the enemy is poised to strike. But what if the next “one who does all,” the multi-gifted custodian predicted to come, is one of the Ables?
My Review (may contain spoilers!):
It took me two months to read this 364-page book. Why? I don’t know because it was a pretty good book.
I thought the characters were good and well thought out. They’re disabled teenagers who have superpowers. Most people have an advantage with their super powers, but these guys don’t. For example, the main character has telekinesis, but he’s blind. He has to work through his disability to train his ability.
The overall story is a bit cliche. A group of teenagers discover they have powers and the whole city they live in is riddled with superheroes. Most people don’t believe in them because of their disabilities, but they end up saving the world anyway.
The only unique twist about it is that they are all disabled in some way or another that hinders their powers.
So the plot wasn’t bad and the characters were easy to get along with. However, the format of the novel was different that normal. There were gaps in between each paragraph and nothing was indented, which is just another style, but I’m not used to it. So it was kind of hard for me to get through.
The Ables by Jeremy Scott gets 4 out of 5 stars.
Favorite Quote:
“A hero is only a hero because he or she walks into that situation knowing full well they may not walk out. Whether they save the day or die trying, they’re heroes because they make the sacrifice just by showing up.” –Jeremy Scott, The Ables
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