Thank Goodness It’s Friday…
Today is Friday. You guys have no idea how good that makes me feel! I am so exhausted from work, it’s not even funny. Tomorrow is going to be tough because I have to work on my bedroom and my office…the office is officially all set. Kris and I just need to organize it and such and the electrician is coming in next week to finally give us light in there. We’re painting our bedroom soon so we need to go through all our stuff and clean up so it’s less stuff to walk around while painting. Oh, and I guess I should work on some homework, huh? Fun stuff.
But Sunday will be good because I have church in the morning then Kris and I are going to go to Starbucks and spend the entire day writing. I’m hoping to get a lot done. I haven’t written much the past couple of days because I wrote at night instead of the morning. Kris and I worked on our office this morning while it was light out so we could see.
Then Monday is Veteran’s Day so I don’t have work. I again have the entire day to write and get other things done. Like homework…which may or may not happen. Who knows?
But today marks the first day of Week Two for NaNo. Yay! We all made it this far together! Pat yourself on the back if you’ve only gone slightly insane since the start of this thing.
For those of you who are behind, keep going! You still have time to catch up. For those of you who are on par, great work! For those of you who are ahead, fantastic!
For those of you who have already won, I hate you. No seriously, if you’ve already hit 50k, that’s wonderful and I applaud you for such speedy work. But I still envy you people for having so much time to write.