Friday: I had work (per usual) which went well. My family and I went out to dinner and then went to Barnes & Noble after. Kris bought me a new book, Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I plan on reading it soon, but I’m in the middle of a book at the moment and have to start another book for school. So… eventually.
Saturday: Kris and I skipped Barnes & Noble because we woke up kind of late. I was going to write from home, but I ended up doing some spring cleaning instead… I did the laundry, cleaned the bathroom, my bedroom, my office, cleaned the storage behind my bed, and also cleaned the fish tank and the turtle tank. For some reason I got the urge to clean all day, but that’s okay because it needed to be done anyway.
Sunday: I went to church in the morning and I discussed what it means to be nice and helpful to others. It was the same lesson I did two weeks ago, but I had different kids this week so… recycling! Also, that’s your lesson for the week: be nice to people.
This Week: Spring break is over, so back to homework. Sad day.
In regards to writing, I need to finish outlining for Camp NaNo in about a week. I also need to finish critiquing the pieces from my writing group. That’s it for writing because I’m sure homework is going to get in the way and take up a lot of my time.
How was your weekend?