Title: ROT 2: The Tooth Hurts
Author: Aidan J. Reid
Published: December 23, 2017
Genre: Short Story, Dark Comedy
How I got the book: I received a free digital copy from the author in exchange for an honest review
The Fairy Godmother needs a hitman
She thinks she’s found the right guy. Ray Jones – a recent convict and tooth fairy thief.
Unfortunately for her, he’s got other ideas.
My Review:
I’m part of the review team for this series of shorts. After reading the first part, I was eager to read this one.
Leaving off from part one, Ray Jones is saved by the Fairy Godmother herself, but not out of the kindness of her heart. She needs Ray to do her a favor; a favor that will grant Ray his freedom and even retirement from being a tooth fairy. But that task isn’t an easy one as he must kill a human.
The Fairy Godmother is certainly a piece of work in this short story series. Ultimately, Ray agrees because it’s either his life or the human’s. For the next 21 pages, we follow Ray as he scopes out the human and attempts to complete his task.
This short story picked up right where the first part left off. There were no introductions and not too much backstory, which was great for me. The narration and the character of Ray Jones is hilarious and is so fun to read, despite the dire situations he gets himself into.
Rot 2 was a great successor to Rot 1 and I’m looking forward to reading more of the series as it comes.
ROT 2: The Tooth Hurts by Aidan J. Reid gets…
4 out of 5 stars
Favorite Quote:
“She had told me it meant ‘Route To Kill’. Said it in a way like she was orderin’ a BLT sandwich. Want fries with that kill?” –Aidan J. Reid, Rot 2: The Tooth Hurts
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