Title: ROT 1: Origin of the Feces
Author: Aidan J. Reid
Published: November 16, 2017
Genre: Short Story, Dark Comedy
How I got the book: I received a free digital copy from the author in exchange for an honest review
Ray Jones isn’t like other tooth fairies.
He curses too much. Enjoys snorting fairy dust. And recently, he’s been tearing teeth out of kids’ mouths for profit.
He’ll tell you it’s because of The Rot. Then again, he’ll tell you anything to avoid walking the plank.
This is his story.
My Review:
Aidan J. Reid’s books have always been on my list. So, when he sent out a newsletter about a review team, I was more than happy to agree. This was the first story given to me.
Ray Jones is a tooth fairy who pretty much goes rogue. He has a snarky sense of humor and while he does his job, it’s not exactly done well. When the Fairy Godmother finds out what he’s doing, that means trouble for him.
This plot is uniquely done as I haven’t read many books surrounding a tooth fairy. It has an adult spin on a childhood fairytale and it’s done well.
The characters, though we’re not with them for too long, were great as well. Ray was a fun protagonist to follow around and I’m interested to see what he does next.
This is a short story standing at about 22 pages, but while it’s short, it has a lot of information packed into it. The writing was cleverly done.
The narration was funny and each scene flowed well right into the next. The world from a tooth fairy’s point of view was well done and really opened a new world.
While this isn’t the typical kind of story I would read myself if I had stumbled upon it in the bookstore, it was still a funny, quick read. It was something different, which was nice. I’m looking forward to the next one.
ROT 1: Origin of the Feces by Aidan J. Reid gets…
4 out of 5 stars
Favorite Quote:
“I hand over a badly rotten premolar. That’ll tell ’em.” –Aidan J. Reid, Rot
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