Two Days to Go…
So I realized that Camp NaNo is two days away. Have I figured out what I am going to do? Yes. Have I really planned it at all? No. You see, I thought of this superhero idea. It’s about a group of superheroes that get together and form an alliance like the X-Men, the Justice League, The Avengers (that movie came out not too long ago, if you have not seen it, go see it!)…of course, I have not figured out how the superheroes are going to meet, why they form the alliance, what they call themselves, where they live, etc. It’s a mess. So I decided to do little “prequels.”
Let me explain this before I go any further…we’ll take my FanFiction for example. I thought of this idea years ago, but still have never done it. Everyone knows the Ninja Turtles, yes? Everyone knows there are four turtles: Leo, Donny, Mikey, and Raph. I had four one-shots in mind (a one-shot is basically a short story…no chapters, for those of you who don’t know). The first one, Mikey does something in Donny’s lab, creates a huge monster, and has to get rid of it. The other three one-shots will be along the same thing. Each one of them will accidentally create some sort of creature (I’m not sure how, yet) and have to get rid of it. Then I am going to do a fifth one, which will be a chapter story, and it will be about all four of the creatures coming back out and destroying everything then they have to defeat them all over again. So they’re not really sequels or anything, but you do need to read the chapter story last. Other than that, it doesn’t really matter what order you read them in. This is how I’m going to do this series. I’ll write a story based on someone’s background, the next story will be about another character, and so on. Then the last one will be their beginning with one another. Does everyone get what I’m talking about?
I decided that this group is going to have five characters in it. I thought of three of the characters already. I know a lot of basics with one of the characters, so that is who I am going to write about first. The story is called, Cybertra. Awkward name, yes? Well, she is a technopath. My sister helped me come up with her name because I had Cybertron stuck in my head for some strange reason and I didn’t like it. My sister said, “Why not? You should use it.” I said, “It sounds like a boy.” Then she said Cybertra. I thought it still sounded kind of weird, but we decided that the main character will be deemed Cybertron, but then claim it to be a boy’s name and she’ll change it to Cybertra herself.
So the story is all about her life, how she got started, when she found out she had powers, etc. Now if you love superheroes and things like that just as bad as me, you may be saying, “How are you going to write something like this as a novel? Wouldn’t this be better as a comic book?” I thought that to myself, as well. Except I cannot draw worth crap. I don’t know if this will ever get published or not. I don’t know if it will even come out good because it’s kind of difficult describing battle scenes and such in a novel. However, if it actually does come out decent and people can actually tell what is going on and do enjoy it, maybe I will try to get it published. However, if not, maybe I will hire an illustrator and we could do a comic book together. I would love to have my own comic book out. My sister and I had the idea to do a web comic together a while ago, but that’s another story for another day.
Anyway, it may be a book, it may be a comic, or it may just stay in my flash drive. However, this is going to be my Camp NaNo and whatever happens with it, I’ll be proud of it…even if it is crap.
Now you’re probably thinking, “What about the other four characters?” Well, once I finish Cybertra, if it comes out decent, I will move onto writing about the next character…maybe that will be for the August Camp NaNo. I’m not sure yet, but I still have two months to worry about that. We’ll have to wait and see what happens with this one.
My biggest concern is that even though I know the basic gist of everything that is going to happen, I have two days to outline this story and to get all the characters together. The summer session of school started yesterday, so I kind of have my hands tied with homework right now. The electrician is coming tomorrow, so I am going to have no power in the house all day. Which forces me to write in a notebook and outline and such, but I’m going to feel so out of place…or I’ll just go to a friend’s house in which case I won’t be able to work on anything at all. We’ll have to wait and see and hope that I have the first half of the story outlined by June 1st.
Is everyone else ready?