Look what I found! I found this Reading Bingo chart on Pinterest. I am a Pinterest addict like most people and I found this a while ago, but completely forgot to post it on here. You “play” it just like regular Bingo. You get five in a row and then…well, nothing, actually. I guess you can go out and buy yourself something nice as a reward.
On GoodReads there is a Reading Challenge every year. For 2013 I set the bar for 20 books. I failed, but we all knew that because I don’t read too much. I try, but…whatever. So, for 2014 I set the bar for 20 again. Then I found this Reading Bingo thing and I decided that instead of trying to hit five in a row, I plan on wiping the entire board clean. Yes, that’s 25 books. And yes, some people play Bingo that way–they try to fill up the entire board.
So, my goal on GoodReads is 20 books, but the Bingo goal is 25 books. If I read somewhere between 20-25 books, I will be happy. But…here’s the catch!
If you click on the “Reading Bingo” link back in the first paragraph of this post, it will lead to where the Bingo cards originated from. Notice there are two cards. One, the purple you see above, is a general one. The other one (on the website) is orange and is meant for young adult novels. Which one should I do?
Well, naturally I decided to do both. Can anyone tell me what 25 plus 25 equals? That’s right–50! (Good job, guys! Go eat a cookie!) So, I raised the bar from 20 to 25 to 50. Can I do it? Honestly, I think it would be nice to hit at least 20 and beat last years record (I think it was 16), but it would be even better to read those five extra books to hit 25. That’s why I’m only focusing on one Bingo card at a time. I’ll still try to do both, but I want to finish at least one full one by the end of 2014.
I printed out both cards, but I’m focusing on the purple one (the general one) right now. On the purple one I numbered the boxes and began to make a list of which books I’m going to read. For example:
A book by a female author: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The second book in a series: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
A book with a blue cover: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Okay, how many of you are freaking out right now? “She’s never read The Hunger Games before?!”
Let me say this: I read The Hunger Games when it first came out. I read it before it was cool, way before it became a movie (which I still haven’t seen…that you can freak out about). I read that book my sophomore year of high school during the MCAS testing. I remember because I rushed through the test so I could spend the majority of the four hours they gave us to take the test to read the book.
Now, like I just said, that was my sophomore year. That was about five-ish years ago. It’s been a while, so I decided to read it again; especially before I finally decide to watch the movie. That, and I want to refresh my memory so I can prepare myself for the second and third books.
Other than planning the books I’m going to read, I have only just started the actual reading part. School started last week and I am taking a science fiction & fantasy course. One of the books I have to read for that class is The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. I’m almost halfway through the book and I’m reading it for the box that says: “a book with non-human characters.”
I hope you all find this Reading Bingo interesting and maybe some of you will even be willing to do it as well. I think it will be a lot of fun and it will expand my literary horizons. It would be great to know that there are others out there doing this challenge, too.