Title: One of the Few: A Marine Fighter Pilot’s Reconnaissance of the Christian Worldview
Author: Jason B. Ladd
Genre: Military/Religion
How I got the book: from the author in exchange for an honest review
Summary (from Publishizer):
His mission began with a realization: though ready to defend his country, he was unprepared for his most important missions as a husband and father. Drawing from his military experience as an F/A-18 “Hornet” Weapons and Tactics Instructor and a former F-16 “Viper” Instructor Pilot, Ladd warns seekers about spiritual apathy and teaches Christians tactics for withstanding spiritual attacks.
Birthed from a legacy of service, One of the Few speaks from the spirit of a man reborn—with the soul of a Marine, the mind of a fighter, the heart of a father, and a commitment to the Son. Join him as he uses fighter pilot fundamentals to embark on the greatest mission of all: the pursuit of truth.”
I’ve had the privilege of following some of the worlds greatest leaders, and the number of collaborators on this project is growing. I’m asking you to join us. The questions you ask along the way could bring you to people and places you never knew.
It might just be the beginning of your own journey to becoming One of the Few.
I used to laugh at Christians. Now I’ve joined them. I’ve led Marines in combat. Now I want to lead others to Christ.
My Review (may contain spoilers!):
This novel is inspirational as Jason B. Ladd tells stories of his time in the U.S. Marines and how he found his faith in Christianity.
The book was written well and formatted in a way that I haven’t come across before. The prologue was before the introduction and then it started on chapter one.
The novel came full circle with the epilogue touching base with the prologue and the last chapter continued from the first chapter.
The story touched upon real life events in Ladd’s life and connected them to what’s taught in the Bible. I enjoyed reading about Ladd’s life and how he discovered his faith thanks to his wife.
The book was split up into three parts. I have to admit the second part drew me out of the story a bit. There were a few chapters where I felt I was reading an essay about the Bible rather than reading about Ladd’s life. He always connected the Bible to his life, but the Bible was analyzed a lot.
Other than that, I thought One of the Few was a great read and definitely a book for anyone; especially if you’re a Christian.
One of the Few: A Marine Fighter Pilot’s Reconnaissance of the Christian Worldview by Jason B. Ladd gets 4 out of 5 stars.
Favorite Quote:
“I became acustomed to moving every few years; it was an exciting opportunity to travel the world.” –Jason B. Ladd, One of the Few
About the Author (from his website):
Jason B. Ladd is an author, speaker, and Marine providing a cultural apologetic focusing on leadership, parenthood, and worldview development. He helps people discover, understand, and strengthen their faith.
One of the Few: A Marine Fighter Pilot’s Reconnaissance of the Christian Worldview will be available on November 10, 2015.