I have been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award for the second time by ThisIsAshleyQuinn. Thanks so much! It’s nice to be nominated twice for one award. 🙂
Seven More Things About Me:
1. I’m 19-years-old and despite still not having my driver’s license, I have a car (His name is Harold).
2. I have not been sick since February of 2010 (Knock on wood).
3. Despite barely reading, I have two bookshelves that are filled to the max with books.
4. I hate math with a burning passion.
5. I have a mini heart attack whenever I lose my phone, even though nine times out of ten it’s in plain sight.
6. I have had two jobs and I did not do an interview for either of them, so they were pretty easy to get.
7. I go to church every Sunday and I am the director of the Sunday School, but I am in no way a hard-core religious person. I don’t mind being in back with the kids, but when it’s time to go into the actual church for the service…I get very bored.
Five More People I Nominate:
4. IAmJustAPoet
5. Maze A Day
1. Copy and paste the award logo onto a post.
2. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.
3. List seven things about yourself.
4. Nominate five other blogs.