I have written plenty of posts where I discuss how plans change, schedules are disrupted, and routines need a break once in a while.
Yesterday was voting day so I had the day off from work. I was excited because I wanted to spend the day relaxing, reading, and writing.
Yesterday was March first, so it was a new month as well with new goals. I didn’t have to babysit either so I had the entire day to myself.
Well, as we all know, plans do indeed change and sometimes they change completely unexpectedly.
My sister wasn’t due to have her baby until March 7 and they always say the first child is late.
Except for my nephew apparently because at one o’clock in the morning early March 1, we got a call from my sister saying the baby was coming.
I spent the majority of yesterday at the hospital with my family until my nerves couldn’t take it anymore. I went home with Kris where we sat on the couch and ate our feelings until her dentist appointment. We weren’t sure if she should cancel it or not, but we figured it may take a while and her appointment wouldn’t be long at all.
We decided to go to the hospital right after the dentist. She was taken in at 4:26 and came out at 4:50. Our nephew was born at 4:49 PM. Due to traffic (and our lack of directional skills) Kris and I didn’t get back to the hospital until 5:20 where our mom was texting us to “hurry!!!” and “run!!”
So we ran. Through the parking lot. Where I yelled, “Auntie’s coming!” and nearly ran over some guy that had to be at least two feet taller than me. Oops.
Apparently the nurse came in around 5:15 saying he was here, but gave no other information.
Around 6:00 my brother-in-law came in to bring the grandmothers into the room where Kris, myself, our friend, and sister-in-law waited eagerly for another ten minutes.
Then we were finally allowed to see our nephew, Daniel Richard.
It was a whirlwind of a day. I was utterly exhausted (and still am). I panicked all day, had anxiety (I don’t like hospitals and it was a bit freaky to see my sister hooked up to machines), cried off and on due to excitement and nerves, and ended up eating candy from the hospital for dinner.
I didn’t get home until around 8 PM where Kris and I just watched YouTube for the rest of the night. I think I dozed off during a couple of the videos.
I called out of work today to spend some more time with my family. I needed to sleep in, too. I slept in longer than I normally do.
So I didn’t get any work done yesterday and I know I won’t today, but we all started a new chapter in our lives. Kris and I get to join the “Auntie” club, my parents get to join the “Grandparents” club, and Lisa and Nick get to join the “Parents” club.
It’s completely strange, but I’m liking it so far.