Today was an emotional day. I met Peter Pan.
I stood there staring and smiling at him like Dopey from Snow White. I was shaking and he pointed it out to me.
I was so star struck that l barely even spoke to him. I said one thing: he asked if he could draw on my face and l said, “go for it” because l was too amazed l was standing next to him.
After he signed my book and we took pictures, l bawled my eyes out. From excitement of course, but it was totally embarrassing.
Two years ago l went to Disney and never met him. I was disappointed, but we couldn’t find him. To say the least l was ecstatic this time. Kris and l practically stalked him to make sure we could meet him.
For being in Disney, l really did have a wish come true.
(Also, a very happy birthday to the wonderful Herminia! I think l just figured out what the 22 in her name means. ;-))