The other day I read Herminia‘s post about books she has yet to read and it reminded me of something that I’ve been meaning to do for a while.
I wanted to go through my bookshelves and get rid of some books.
I know; you’re probably ripping your hair out that I want to get rid of some books. However, there are just some books that I know I am never going to read and they’ve been collecting dust for years. Plus, there are some books that are just way too young for me now.
I have two brown bags filled with books that I’m giving away. To be honest, I got rid of a lot more books than I originally thought I would.
Funny story: The brown book on top in the left bag (it might be a bit hard to see with all that brown) is a library book from my middle school.
I kept getting notices that I didn’t return it and I fought them saying I did return it–because I thought I actually did. How could a middle schooler lose a library book? That’s completely unheard of.
So when I was a senior (I think) in high school I finally found it among all my books on my shelf. Whoops.
I didn’t actually organize my bookshelves, though. I like to have each series clumped together in alphabetical order and then the stand-alone books go after, also in alphabetical order.
I didn’t do that this time because even though I have a little extra room, I actually don’t have room at all. I need a third bookshelf, but I have no place to put it.
Right now the two bookshelves I have, have double rows of books on each individual shelf. Plus books are lying horizontally on top of those books.
They’re squeezed in horizontally to fit.
The sad part is that I haven’t read half of these books. I went through my shelf a few months ago and tried to make a list of all my books, but that took a long time.
I highlighted books I read and checked off books I owned. It was a very messy list. I never finished it because it was a lot of work.
But there you have it. My bookshelves are no less messy than they were before, but at least there are less books to squeeze onto the shelves now.
Well, until I go back to Barnes & Noble.