Two Hours Of Writing…
Yesterday was a very productive writing day for both my and Kris. We wrote our NaNoWriMo novels together and she was able to make it up to par while I was able to get myself way ahead. It must have been all that Starbucks. 😉
Anyway, I think what really helped us out was that we weren’t looking at the word count in the bottom left screen on Word. I took my Donny, my iPod, and Kris took her phone, and we leaned them up against the computer screen right in that spot. Then I took my phone, set the timer for 30 minutes and we kept going until the timer went off. The point was to see how much we could write in that amount of time. We ended up writing a lot more than we thought–we each banged out about 1,000 words. It made the writing process go by a lot faster and I think we got more work done that way than we would have if we were just typing while staring at the word count slowly going up.
We continued to do that after realizing how well it worked. But every time I wrote for 30 minutes, I realized that I wrote exactly five pages, too. I decided that if it only takes me 30 minutes to write five pages, why not try to get my goal to be “write five pages a day?” (yes, I know the picture says one page…)
I decided that’s going to be my New Year’s resolution. Yes, I know that’s two months away, but I thought I might as well get started on it now. I can get myself into the habit of it so it might be easier to accomplish next year. Especially since it’s NaNo right now, I’m going to need all the pages I can get to boost my word count.
So I wrote for about an hour and a half to two hours this morning. I wrote while my cousins got themselves ready for school and I wrote after they left. I have about an hour or so in between the time they leave for school and the time I have to start getting ready for work.
But it was productive nonetheless. I wrote about six pages and 3,398 words. It was a good morning. I had to have two cups of coffee, but I can blame part of that on the weather (I think it’s in the 40s…ew).
Anyway, if you want to read the summary of my NaNo novel, here it is: Detective Florence (Book One)
Also, I stopped posting my NaNo username at the end of my posts, but lately a lot of people have been asking for it. You can find my NaNo profiles on the “Come Find Me” page of the blog or you can look me up: Fiery_Sapphire (you can also click my username to be brought to my profile). I love having Writing Buddies, so feel free to add me!
Today’s Word Count: 3,398
Total Word Count: 14,028