The March #YearOfHappy was to create an inspiration board. The idea was to create an actual board and hang it somewhere where you can look and admire it every day.
I’ll admit I cheated with this one.
I decided to use my virtual board, so to speak. I add things on there all the time, so why not share it with everyone here? It has everything on there that inspires me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have a board for it.
That’s right… I’m talking about my Pinterest.
I currently have 93 boards. All are things that inspire me. Here are just a few:
—Writing (I have writing, research, vocabulary, names, editing, characters, and blogging)
—Teaching (I have a general teaching board, plus many different units in their own individual boards, plus special education)
—Sunday School
—Reading (I even have a board for the books I’ve read)
Considering that I have 93 boards, that’s not even a dent. I have different video game boards like Pokemon and The Legend of Zelda as well as different movies (The Lord of the Rings) and TV shows (Once Upon A Time).
All 93 boards inspire me in more ways than one. If you don’t know me personally, you would just need to look at my Pinterest profile and you’ll get to know to me in an instant.
So, if you want to see the kinds of things I love then I suggest you check out my Pinterest profile.
I add to my boards all the time and I’m sure there will be more than 93 boards in time.