In case any of you care, I have been thinking about my blog every day since my last post. When it came to a matter of actually posting on it…well, that was a different story. My last post on here was May 18 and the very next day was when my life became a bit hectic for a short period of time.
It was the first day of my summer classes for school. The homework isn’t bad, but for the first week it was. Yes, I typed that correctly. I know the first week of school is usually the easiest, but I’m taking Spanish Two. My professor decided to have us “review” what was taught in Spanish One, which meant doing everything all over again. Yes, workbook activities, textbook activities, plus there’s a show we need to watch so I had to watch seven episodes of that, plus a test after it all, and of course the usual “first week” stuff. I basically did a whole semester of work in one week; it was awful.
It was even more terrible because Tuesday, the second day of classes, my best friend called telling me her father was on hospice. He was only 55-years-old (he would have turned 56 this upcoming Monday) and after years of fighting, his throat cancer got the best of him. He passed away on Memorial Day.
So I had loads of homework, then the stress of “waiting” so to speak. Because of this, my other friend (they’re sisters) decided to get married while her father was still alive. So I had a wedding to go to on Sunday and then the next day, Memorial Day, their father passed away. I practically lived at their house helping with wake and funeral arrangements. I learned a lot about their family and the Marines (yes, their father was a veteran) last week.
This week hasn’t been too bad; work was busy only because we had our end of the year show on Thursday and we had an open house yesterday. Other than that, homework has been on the minimum and I’ve been able to sit back and relax after two weeks of hell. Of course this weekend my friends went away so I have their dog living with me until tomorrow. Their dog is my dog’s sister (real sister, they’re from the same litter) and so far they haven’t really been getting along…so this weekend is a little more than I bargained for.
In lighter news, June is finally here (yes, I know I’m a week late) which means Camp NaNo starts back up in less than a month. I’ve been slowly editing Detective Florence so I can write the sequel for Camp. I have to edit about ten pages a day in order to finish the draft by July. Of course I’ve skipped a few days…so I have to play catch up today and tomorrow. That should be fun.
So there we have it. Hopefully I will have a Short Story Sunday posted tomorrow…I know I’ve skipped a few weeks. Talk to you all soon!