I had a super busy weekend and I have another busy weekend coming up. In fact, all my weekends are booked for December due to holiday parties or other events.
In between these weekends I have work all day every day. So far, this has been the longest week ever and it’s only Wednesday.
Work has been stressful the past two days and I can only hope that it gets better today and for the rest of the week. Then I just have to hope that the kids I babysit for are in good moods.
Needless to say, yesterday and Monday I came home from work and then sat on the couch and watched TV.
I had plans both of those days. Writing, blogging, reading, I still have to edit the stories for my writers’ group, etc. There’s also so many other things I have to get done that don’t have to do with writing or anything of that sort.
So after this long-winded intro (apparently I needed to rant for a bit), here are some things you can do to keep yourself going.
Read a book.
I guess this one was obvious. Reading is relaxing and–I don’t know about you–but it makes me tired after a while. So it’s always good to curl up on the couch and jump into another world for a bit.
Take a bath or shower.
I love taking bubble baths with the stress-relief scents. I have my iPad by my side with Pandora on. Sometimes I’ll have my book with me, a notebook, or my 3DS. Either way, it’s great relaxation and it’s warm for the winter. If you prefer showers, stay in there as long as the hot water will allow.
Take a walk.
Clear your mind. Don’t think about anything that you have to get done. Just keep going with the flow.
Hang out with friends or family.
Good company will always distract your mind and help you feel better.
With that being said, I had certain goals for December to help prepare me for 2016. I’m hoping 2016 is the year for me when it comes to my writing.
I’ve been doing well with my blogging goals (kind of), but not so well with my writing goals. That’s okay, I can catch up. December is a busy month to begin with.
However, I would love to write and blog full-time someday. As much as I love my teaching job (I think I would be lost without it) I wish I could spent more time on my writing and everything else.
In the meantime, however, balance is key.