So, we’ve made it through the first week of Camp NaNoWriMo. How do you feel? Are you still confident? Are your characters doing well? Is your overall novel moving along nicely?
When it comes to NaNo, no matter what time of year it is, or what you’re currently working on, week two is known as the “slump week.”
It’s hard to believe that we’re already in week two, almost halfway done with the month, but that’s what happens when you’re having fun.
But what if you’re not having fun? What if you’re over the whole “writing every day?” What if you don’t care what happens to your characters anymore? What if writing your novel has become a chore instead of something fun, something you aspire you create and accomplish?
There are plenty of ways to keep up with your writing throughout the month and to stay motivated on your work.
Write no more, no less
My goal is 50,000 words, which means I have to write about 1,667 words every day. I choose to write 2,000 words every day because I like things to be even and it’s just a little extra to get me that much ahead each and every day. That extra 333-words add up… trust me.
Whatever your goal is, keep it. If you’re feeling good, by all means, go over your limit. However, if you’re feeling unmotivated or your novel isn’t going the way you expected it to, write your goal amount that’s it. Be sure to stay on par, but don’t try to get ahead just for the sake of getting ahead. That’s how you burn yourself, and your ideas, out.
Change your scenery
Sometimes your mind can get into a rut when you do the same thing over and over again. Every day, at noon you sit down at your computer and write for an hour or two. Switch it up a bit.
Go to a coffee shop or a library and write there. If the weather is nice, sit outside. It doesn’t sound like it will help, but it will make a difference.
Find a writing buddy
Do you have any friends or family members that like to write? Even if they don’t participate in NaNo, ask them to have a writing session with you. It’s fun to bounce ideas off of each other and, if you’re like me, it’s fun to compete who can write the most in a certain amount of time.
The main idea of this, however, is so that you don’t feel like you’re in this alone.
Use different writing tools
Switch up your writing style a bit. If you’re on the computer, continue the chapter in a notebook. If you’re writing in a notebook, switch to a computer. I know that sounds annoying in the long run when you have to type everything up and eventually validate your novel, but sometimes your fingers get twisted typing on the keyboard all the time. Not to mention the strain on your eyes from the screen.
In other words…
There are a lot of different ways to stay motivated throughout Camp without stopping your writing or slowing it down. You can easily keep up your routine and not get burnt out if you think outside the box a little and take care of yourself.
How do you stay motivated through the NaNo months? Do you use any of these methods? Let me know in the comments below!
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