It’s a new year with new beginnings, goals and wonder.
I hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year’s Eve and day. Last night I celebrated with my parents (Kris had to do the overnight at her work). We watched Rise of the Guardians, as neither of my parents have seen it. Then we watched Iron Man 3 because that movie is just awesome. It was a good night.
As stated in my last post, my resolution for 2014 is to read and write more. I also want to finish what l start. So today l came up with some sort of a schedule for myself. I’m going to give myself the goal to write 5,000 words a day Monday-Friday and the goal to write at least 1,000 words on Saturday and Sunday. But l’m going to spend the majority of the weekends trying to edit the few novels that are already completed, that’s why the word count is lower.
Obviously l can change these goals if it’s too much or l don’t have enough time, but whereas l’m currently jobless right now, l know l’ll have plenty of time to get a lot of writing done. I’m going to drop a class this semester for money reasons (because l don’t have a job) which will free up some more time.
Job-wise, l decided l’m going to substitute for a bit so l can work on my writing. Write, edit, do contests, submit to magazines, etc. Well, l’m going to try. Subbing pays less than what l got at my old job and it’s not nearly as a steady paycheck than my old job, but l’m going to try it out for a few weeks and then if l really need the money then l’m going to get another job.
So, today is Wednesday which means that l had to write 5,000 words. I wrote 5,013 words for Detective Florence. So that novel is currently at 76,102 words. Slow and steady. I also have a mini planner for 2014 so l’m going to keep a daily and monthly track of how many words l write and which novels l worked on and such. I hope l stick with it because then that’s going to be cool to see by the end of the year.
Again, my other resolution for 2014 is to read more. So l am off to go do that. You can check out my GoodReads page to be updated on what l’m currently reading and such. The link to my profile page is on the Come Find Me page of this blog.
Happy New Year everyone! 🙂