Uh, No…
I was doing so well for a while and then I just stopped. Why? Because of life. Man, I hate life. It tends to get in the way of everything that I want to do. I have been trying to get my homework done on Sundays so then I can write at school on Mondays and possibly other days of the week depending on what other homework that I have. However, this past weekend was very busy for me. I was out all day on Saturday and out all day on Sunday. I have been doing homework at school this entire week.
I still have a little bit of math homework to finish up right now. But I have to go to class soon, so I’m just going to wait until my two-hour break between classes to get it done. After that I just have science left. Of course, I’m not going to be working on that at school today because I did not bring my science book…I did that on purpose. I’ll get it done in school tomorrow or maybe tonight. We’ll see.
Anyway, let’s just hope that it doesn’t take me two hours to get my math homework done…then I could maybe write a little bit today because I’m not going to have any time tonight to do it. So I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how this goes.
Even if I do get a chance to write, what am I going to write? Uh…I guess we’ll just cross that bridge when we get to it. It’s way too early in the morning right now and it’s freezing!