Via Goodreads
Title: Graven Idols (Order and Chaos Book 2)
Author: Jessica Dall
Genre: Fantasy
How I got the book: I got a free digital copy from the author in exchange for an honest review
Summary (from Goodreads):
Once Palmer Tash and Brier Chastain found out they were the incarnations of Order and Chaos, their lives were turned upside down. Living in a battle-scarred area, they begin to feel that their blessings are more like curses.
Reports of cults taking over the countryside begin to filter into their starving city. But Brier is slowly losing her mind, and Palmer’s abilities are becoming increasingly erratic. The pair must work together to maintain harmony, or their out-of-balance powers could destroy the world.
My Review:
The story continues as Palmer and Brier go on another adventure to save the world and themselves.
When Brier gets kidnapped, Palmer and Nico need to work out their differences (meaning their love for Brier) to find and save Brier.
The story alternates points of views between Brier, Palmer and Nico, and Rosette, a young girl Brier and Palmer took in. Each one is going their separate ways all trying to find each other.
This novel was another fun adventure between the characters. I think the strongest part of the novel is the dynamic between all the characters. They’re all fun to follow and they each have a unique personality giving them free will to clash or get along at their own discretion.
There was a lot of build up to the end and I felt as though there could have been more to the ending, especially with the battle. But it was good enough that kept me interested and reading.
Overall, this book was another fun journey and I enjoyed revisiting these characters again.
Graven Idols by Jessica Dall gets 4 out of 5 stars.
Read my review of the first Order and Chaos book, Raining Embers, here.
Favorite Quote:
“If she stopped and let her mind catch up to everything that had happened, she might not be able to keep going on.” –Jessica Dall, Graven Idols
About the Author (from her website):
While in college, Jessica worked as an intern at a small press, quickly rising through the ranks to Acquisitions Editor, where she remained until they, unfortunately, shut their doors in 2011. Since that time, she has kept her editing skills sharp, spending three years as a freelance editor before joining the team at Red Adept Editing in 2014, helping authors make their manuscripts the best that they can be.
In 2012, Jessica also added Creative Writing Teacher to her list of literary careers, joining the teaching staff of Writopia Lab in Washington, DC, helping children and teens better their writing and start literary careers of their own.
Jessica is always happy to hear from authors, readers, or anyone else with something interesting (or uninteresting) to say. She can be contacted using’s contact form, or through her social media accounts:
Buy Links:
Raining Embers (Order and Chaos book 1)
Graven Idols (Order and Chaos book 2)
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