I never used to read. When I was younger, I read the books assigned to me in school and didn’t enjoy most of them. It turned me off of reading.
I read more as I got older, but it wasn’t until I started this blog and decided to do book reviews that I started reading regularly… which, if I’m to be honest, was the main reason I started reviewing books. It would hold me accountable to actually read.
The Goodreads challenge is something that has really made me get into reading. I’m competitive and I love seeing a chart increase with my progress. For the past couple of years I’ve set my challenge goal to 52 books – which means I plan to read one book a week.
For me, this is a steady goal and it’s easy to keep up with. No joke, I’ve seen people aim to read 300 books in a year. If that works for you, great, but I feel like that’s a bit much. If I read 300 books in one year, I’d have to read about 6 books in one week. That’s almost a book a day. Unless I only read picture books and graphic novels, I don’t have the time to read a book a day.
Would that be wonderful and awesome? Yes, but I do have life things to deal with.
When it comes to reading books, I like to think quality chumps quantity. I want to take my time with the books I read and enjoy them, not inhale them.
For me, a week is a perfect amount of time to get through a book. I aim to read 50-100 pages a day so I can easily get through a book that’s 300-500 pages long. Though, most of the books I read are typically between 200-400 pages.
There have been times I’ve read more than one book in one week depending on the length and how much free time I end up with during that week. That’s always a nice treat and then I’m able to get ahead with my reading.
Even though my goal is 52 books, I aim for more because I like to break records. I still take my time though because I think books should be savored.
If it’s a really good one, I want to stay in that world for as long as I can.
How do you do with your Goodreads reading challenge? Do you aim for a lot of books or a little? Let me know in the comments below. If you liked this post, please share it around.
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