Title: Gasp
Author: Lisa McMann
Genre: Young adult paranormal
How I got the book: I bought it
Summary (from Amazon):
After narrowly surviving two harrowing tragedies, Jules now fully understands the importance of the visions that she and those around her are experiencing. She’s convinced that if the vision curse passed from her to Sawyer after she saved him, then it must now have passed from Sawyer to one of the people he saved.
That means it’s up to Jules to figure out which of the school shooting survivors is now suffering from visions of another crisis. And once she realizes who it is, she has to convince that survivor that this isn’t all crazy—that the images are of something real. Something imminent.
As the danger escalates in this conclusion to the Visions series, Jules wonders if she’ll finally find out why and how this is happening—before it’s too late to prevent disaster.
My Review (may contain spoilers!):
Just like the first two books, the visions are still happening.
Jules has realized that when you save someone from a vision, you accidentally pass on the vision.
They saved a lot of people from the school shooting so now they have to figure out who they passed the visions to in order to stop the next tragedy.
Bed-ridden for a while due to the shooting, Tori finds it hard to help Jules and the gang solve the next disaster; especially since she’s the one having the visions. Ben, who they saved from the shooting, helps them along the way.
Together, Jules, her two siblings, Ben, Sawyer, and Tori solve the next tragedy.
It isn’t until much later they realize how Jules got the vision in the first place. I found the answer to that question to be very satisfying. It was great how Lisa McMann brought everything full circle.
There’s no explanation how the visions came to be in the first place, but that’s left up to the imaginations of the readers.
Gasp by Lisa McMann gets 4 out of 5 stars.
Favorite Quote:
“Too bad there’s nothing admirable about being a fraud.” –Lisa McMann, Gasp
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