Yes, I do more than reading and writing.
I play video games, I watch TV (rarely, but I do), and… Well, that’s kind of it.
This was a TV show that ran from 2006 to 2014. It was the best show ever and I was super disappointed when I found out it was over.
The protagonist, Shawn, pretended to be psychic to get out of some criminal charges and he ended up working for them solving crimes as their psychic. Tagging along was his best friend Gus, and two Detectives, Juliet and Carlton.
It was a funny show and I loved watching it with my sisters. I was sad when Netflix took it down because I have yet to collect the series on DVD. If you haven’t watched it, it’s a must.
There are books based off the show that are great as well.
Pretty Little Liars
This is another TV show that started in 2010 and just ended yesterday. Honestly, I’m not sure how this show has lasted seven years because the more I watched it, the more I found it ridiculous. I haven’t watched the last two seasons, but I do plan to at some point. I am curious how it ends.
This was a tough mystery to help solve because no matter what you thought, the opposite thing happened. Still, it kept you at the edge of your seat.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
I’m sure you’re all sick of me talking about this one. This is a video game where you play as a defense lawyer, investigate, and solve crimes in court. It’s a silly game and has a lot of fantasy antics, but it’s a great one.
The mysteries are in-depth and the character development is phenomenal.
Professor Layton
Similar to Ace Attorney, Professor Layton is another mystery video game where you play as an archeologist who has a love of puzzles and riddles. Because of that, he often gets hired to help solve certain mysteries, which are usually crimes. As you investigate in the game, you come across a plethora of puzzles and riddles. It’s a lot of fun mind games.
Though I’ll admit, I usually play with Kris because while I love riddles, I’m not that great at them.
Criminal Case
I found this game on Facebook, but it is an app on my iPad. It’s a simple game and there’s not true “story,” but you solve crimes finding clues through look-and-find games.
That’s basically the whole game, but I find look-and-find games to be fun. I recently just heard of another one, that’s more in-depth in the story, but I haven’t played it myself yet.
What are some other hobbies you enjoy other than books? Let me know in the comments below!
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