So, it’s May 7th. Seven days after Camp NaNoWriMo ended. Did I win? Nope. Is that okay? Yes, even though I don’t want it to be. I tried and that’s pretty much all that matters. At least I wrote something, right?
The end of April approached fast before I realized it was coming. I had about 20k words when I realized there was less than a week left. I wrote 20k in two days due to that. My final count for Camp NaNo was about 40k. I had one day left to write 10k, but by that time I had written so much in the past few days that I was sick of it. So I never finished.
I still plan on finishing the novel, it’s just a matter of actually writing it.
The good news is that school has finished for the semester (but the summer session starts on the 19th…), so in the meantime that’s one less thing that I have to worry about. All I have to do now is get myself back into the routine.
Congrats to all those who won Camp! 🙂