Happy Thursday everyone!
Today’s post is going to be a shameless self-promotion. I don’t do this often, so I hope you’ll bare with me.
I started a new blog!
If you know me, you know I love blogging. The more blogs, the better.
This blog has been in the works for a few months now. My sister, Kris, and I have been collaborating on it. Hence the name:
Get it? Double? Also, Double Jump is a term for video games?
Do you see where I’m going with this?
My main blog here is all about reading and writing, my journey to becoming published someday, to help you guys with your writing, as well as you help me with my writing.
Naturally, the majority of my following (Probably about 95% of you guys) all have blogs that have to do with writing, reading, or blogging. And the majority of the blogs I follow are about writing and reading.
But I have other interests too, just like we all do.
Again, if you know me at all, you know I love video games.
Kris and I started a brand new blog all about video games called Double Jump!
We’ll be posting five days a week–Kris will post on Mondays and Fridays, I will post on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and we’ll both publish a collaborative post on Wednesdays.
We’ll both write game reviews, write general articles about video games, have top lists, debates, etc.
We both love to play video games in our spare time. We play a decently wide range of game genres and we’re always willing to try new ones as well as step out of our comfort zone a little bit.
The blog is a baby as it’s only been open for about a week, but there’s plenty more content where that came from!
So, if you enjoy video games like we do, feel free to hop on over to Double Jump and check it out.
Kris and I hope you’ll join us! Video games are always more fun with other people to play with.