Title: Dog On It: A Chet and Bernie Mystery
Author: Spencer Quinn
Genre: Mystery
How I got the book: Borrowed from my mom’s bookshelf
Summary (from Amazon):
Chet, the wise and lovable canine narrator of Dog on It, and Bernie, a down-on-his-luck private investigator, are quick to take a new case involving a frantic mother searching for her teenage daughter. This well-behaved and gifted student may or may not have been kidnapped, but she has definitely gotten mixed up with some very unsavory characters. With Chet’s highly trained nose leading the way, their hunt for clues takes them into the desert to biker bars and other exotic locales—until the bad guys try to turn the tables and the resourceful duo lands in the paws of peril. Spencer Quinn’s irresistible mystery kicks off a delightful new series that will have readers panting for more.
My Review:
Bernie and Chet are an amazing team in this first novel of the Bernie and Chet Mystery series.
Bernie is a private detective and Chet is K-9 police trained dog. Together they solve crimes; in this case, it was a missing persons crime of a 15-year-old girl.
The actual mystery was easy to follow, but I had a hard time putting the pieces together. It wasn’t until just about the very end that I finally understood the clues and was able to put two and two together myself before the protagonist figured it out for me.
The story is told through Chet’s point of view, which makes the novel all the more comical. Chet is dog who easily gets distracted by other dogs barking, cats, treats, toys, and the occasional pat from a human. He can understand Bernie when he talks, but he misunderstands certain phrases as he can’t fully comprehend English.
This was a quick, cozy mystery and certainly uniquely written. I would most definitely recommend this book–this series.
Dog On It by Spencer Quinn gets 5 out of 5 stars.
Favorite Quote:
“The cat saw me at once, of course, and every hair on his body stood straight up, and he made a sound like the mountain lion’s roar but much tinier. That’s all cats are–midget lions.” –Spencer Quinn, Dog On It