My Camp NaNoWriMo word count is now 4,032. Yay! This took my three and a half hours. Can we discuss this? I mean, I wrote 2,002 words yesterday in about two hours. Today I wrote 2,030 words in three and a half hours. Want to know why? I will tell you why…
I was distracted. *Gasp!* Yes, I was very, very much distracted. I was distracted by my turtle (as seen in the picture above), my cat who wanted to look out the window so I needed to make him a giant step (I moved the ottoman and put a bin on top of it), my dog (who always decides it’s a good time to play when I’m writing), and the internet. Yes, Lucy decided to give me internet on a day I did not need it.
Speaking of the internet, I found wonderful things on there. I was on Twitter (if you follow me on Twitter, you probably know Twitter was a very big distraction for me) and someone posted a link to a site called Noisli. There are different background sounds on there to listen to as you write. It’s great! I used the coffee shop one.
Yet, I will admit the internet did come in handy at one point. As you know, I’m writing Diary of a Killer and my protagonist apparently has anger issues. Like, really obnoxious anger issues. He explodes at literally nothing. He’s in therapy for it. So I was looking up anger management; symptoms, treatment, etc. I found one helpful site, but if anyone has any information on the subject so I can compare, that would be muchly appreciated!
Anyway, I had an iced coffee and I’m wired right now. It’s probably the reason I had such a short attention span. However, it’s going for 9:00 pm and I unfortunately have work tomorrow, so I need to go wind down so I can go to bed soon.
I hope everyone else is having a productive Camp NaNo. 🙂