27 More Days….
You see that picture up there? Yes, that is s’mores. Two s’mores! With coffee in a Tinkerbell mug! I know what you’re thinking: “coffee with s’mores? Is she for real…?” Well, my friends, this is why everyone tells me that they cannot wait until I get pregnant.
This is what I ate earlier while I was writing. I went to school, wrote, went to work, and then wrote some more. It was a productive day, I think.
Today I wrote a total of 4,434 words. Saving Each Other and my Camp NaNo stats are now up to 13,419 words. According to the stats, I am going to finish on April 12 at the rate I am going. Of course, I wrote over 6,000 words on the first day and I kind of want to break that record. I wrote 20k in two days about a week ago, I want to see if I can do that again.
Oh, and get this: you know how I’m trying to write 365,000 words by the end of 2013? That means I have to write 1,000 words a day. I was way behind in that goal because I forgot about it, I didn’t have time, whatever you want my excuse to be. Right now I should have about 93,000 words because 31 days (January) plus 28 days (February) plus 31 days (March) plus 3 days (April so far) equals to 93. Scroll down and look how many words I have right now. Yep, that’s right. I win. 😀 Granted, I still have about eight months to go, but…we can gloat for now.
I have also been thinking more and more about that vlog portion of Spilled Ink. I’m going to get started on it soon. I just have to figure out a few things. When I’m going to do it, how often I’m going to do it, how I’m going to do it, etc. However, it should hopefully be coming soon. I plan on having a lot of fun with a vlog.
I don’t think I really have anything else to say right now. Basically tomorrow is another day and I hope to get lots of stuff done. If you’re doing Camp, comment with your word count! 🙂
2013: 95,198/365,000 Words Written
2013: 1,749/18,250 Pages Read