Back In Business…
So I am back for now! I have to admit that it was little tough not writing for a few days while I was away, but I had a lot of fun. My boyfriend and I were more than happy to have some alone time for a little while. It’s sometimes hard because his house is usually quiet, but I live with six other people so it’s a little difficult for privacy even just for myself.
Anyway, we got back Monday night and I did nothing but play the board game Clue with my mom and two sisters. We had a lot of fun. However, this morning I had to wake up and go back to school. I wrote an even 2,000 words for Seeing Things while at school today. I wanted to write Take Over, but I never saved it onto my flash drive or e-mailed it to myself. It’s on my laptop and Dropbox, but I can’t access those from the school computers, obviously. But it worked out because I came up with a couple of ideas for Seeing Things. I really want to finish Take Over by the end of the month, though.
I have a math project due next week, a science project due in two weeks, and another science project due in three weeks. This is the reason as to why I never wrote more than 2,000 words. I had planned on it, but it’s the end of the semester which means all the professors are freaking out that we haven’t learned everything we were supposed to get through. So they throw everything at us all at once. But I have a little over 10,000 more words to write for Camp NaNo (my count is 39,305 at the moment). Once I hit that 50k mark, I’ll do my homework, then shoot for 75k. I still have about half of the month left, so let’s see how much I can get done.
In other news, the lovely Briana from When I Became An Author wanted to include me in on an author interview program that she is doing. I was more than happy to participate. She e-mailed me some questions, I answered them, and bam! I am on her blog. You can read the post here, titled Author Interview Program #9. Thank you again, Briana!
Anyway, that’s all the news I have for right now. I plan on getting a good amount of writing done tomorrow! It’s still April vacation for me which means that I don’t have work this week. Yay!
2013: 121,084/350,000 Words Written
2013: 1,749/18,250 Pages Read