I Did It!
I made it up to about 53,000 words for Camp NaNo. The only problem was that I wrote multiple things. So when I validated my novel this morning, I used Take Over because that was about 70,000 words. It was easier doing that than putting everything I wrote in one document to validate it. But because of that, NaNo thinks I wrote about 70,000 words this month. That is not the case, but oh well. I’ll go along with it.
I was hoping to write a lot more before the month ended, but school has me swamped. I finished one project last night and I plan on finishing the other projects (or close to it) tonight. I’ll stay up all night if I have to to. Because tomorrow is May 1st, which means that I’m going to start a new month of writing.
By the end of May, I plan on having The Blank Page completed. It would be nice to have it done in the next two weeks so I could print it out at school and use up their ink and paper. But I’m not going to rush myself to get it done by then just so I can save a couple of bucks. It depends on how quickly I can get my homework done. Stupid homework…
Anyway, I have a lot to do on here, as well. I have to post the summaries and excerpts of Take Over, Saving Each Other, and Seeing Things. Of course, Saving Each Other and Seeing Things are the same thing, so you might have to wait until I finish all five parts…but I think I already posted the summary for Saving Each Other. I seriously have to get myself organized. I’ll also post the summary and excerpt of The Blank Page as soon as possible, as well.
So no writing for me today, but tomorrow I will try to write as much as possible…depending on how much homework I am able to get done tonight. We shall see.
Congrats to all of those who finished and won Camp NaNoWriMo! 🙂
2013: 131,977/350,000 Words Written
2013: 1,749/18,250 Pages Read