I’ve had the pleasure for doing a cover reveal for Citrus Publishers! Deceived by Heena Rathore is a psycological thriller that will be coming out in February 2017.
The blurb is enticing and so is the cover to go along with it. Bare feet with blood trickling down one leg in the middle of the forest is an interesting grab, especially with the jagged title bright and bold in the middle.
If I were to see this cover on the shelf in the bookstore along with the title, I would pick it up and take a look at the back. The summary of the story has me sold and I can’t wait to give it a read.
How well do you know your loved ones?
A girl who’s trying to cope with the murders of her mother and five-year-old brother.
A journalist who is chasing the ghost of a potential serial killer.
A thirteen-year-old girl who slaughters her parents.
And a revenge-driven psychopath who is about to destroy everyone’s life.
A psychological thriller that weaves its way through the sadistic past of a traumatized child to the snare of dark mysteries of a beloved father.
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About Heena Rathore P.:
Heena Rathore P. is a 25-year-old full-time novelist, part-time Social Media Strategist, Novel Critic, Book Reviewer and a YouTube Podcaster.
She draws her inspiration from the works of legendary Stephen King and Sidney Sheldon.
She is an introvert, a thinker, a neat freak, a voracious reader and a GSD-lover. In her free time, she loves watching apocalyptic, thriller and slasher movies and series.
She lives in Pune with her beloved husband in a house full of books, music, and love.
She loves creating fictional worlds, but more than that she loves living in them.
WEBSITE: https://heenarathorep.com
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