Camp NaNoWriMo April 2015 starts in one month! Can you believe it?
For those of you who do not know what Camp NaNo is or have never heard of it before, it’s the same thing as NaNoWriMo (you write 50,000 words in 30 days) in November every year.
Camp has a slight twist on it because it’s obviously not in November, but in April and July. Also, based on what you write for the month, you have the option to get sorted into cabins. Cabins are a mini messenger system where you can chat with fellow campers; get to know them and their novels, help each other out, compete with one another, etc.
You can’t choose who is in your cabin, but you do have a good say in what you want your cabin to be like. We’ll get more into that on a later post, though.
Today we’re going to discuss what to write for Camp NaNo next month.
Another twist with camp is that you have a lot more freedom–for lack of a better word–in what you want to write. For NaNo in November you write 50,000 words of a novel. Some people don’t follow this rule in which they’re called “NaNo Rebels,” but there’s nothing wrong with that. For camp, you have a lot of flexibility for what you want to write.
For starters, you can pick your own word count. The default is 50,000 words, but you can choose 100,000, 75,000, 10,000, even 123,456 if you so wish. If you think you’re able to hit 123,456 words in 30 days, then go for it! Me? I tend to stick with the 50,000 word count. I’ve done it before so I know I can do it again. Despite that being my goal, I always trying to get a bit higher than that.
You can also pick the category. In November, you’re “supposed” to write a novel. As stated earlier, not everyone does that and that’s okay. With Camp, you actually have the option to do a novel or something else.
You can choose:
–Novel –Nonfiction –Poetry –Revision –Script
–Short Stories